by Douglas Keillor | Nov 21, 2018 | News
By Loretta Taylor On a sunny afternoon, I sat across from 19 year old young man, who I will call Nicólas, at a prison in the State of Guerrero. I was there to interview him about his experience and evaluate if we can offer support in some way. Nicólas, who is...
by Douglas Keillor | Jan 30, 2018 | News
Last Tuesday, January 23rd, Marco Antonio Sánchez a 17-year-old high School student and his friend got off a Metrobus in Mexico City. The local police accosted Marco and carted him away. Marco had no criminal history and was not doing anything wrong. That kicked off a...
by Douglas Keillor | Jun 22, 2017 | News
This summer, Rebecca Rosefelt, a law student at the University of Minnesota, is our legal intern. Rebecca is spending her summer in Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua city interviewing detained teenagers, helping present workshops on prisoner rights to teens and...
by Douglas Keillor | Feb 28, 2017 | News
This past weekend, we started our monthly “Family Reunification” project for children in prison in Chihuahua state. Olivia Meneses, our project director, worked with the prison´s list of four teenagers who have not had visitors for months. They all live at least three...
by Douglas Keillor | Sep 21, 2016 | News
Part 4: Two boys, one seeing his mother for the first time in 11 months, one seeing his mother for the last time Olivia and Amanda returned from Chihuahua state on Monday after three very busy days with our Family Reunification Project – helping families...