Mobilizing churches, volunteers, and the community to protect forgotten children in prison.
Empowering youth and families to raise their voices for justice.
Jose Manuel turned 15 this year.
He lives in a detention center, far away from his parents who are too poor to visit him. He wouldn’t look up at me when I asked him how he was doing, but one of his five cellmates jumped in to answer for him, “We watch out for Jose. We give him soap and share our underwear with him.” Imprisoned children often do not have even the most basic items to survive. Many won’t see their families for months or years. All they need is a second chance.
What is Mobilize and Empower?
Mobilizing the community to protect children in prison and empowering youth and families directly impacted by the justice system, including:

Care Packages
Donating packets of soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, towels, shoes and underwear for teens whose parents are unable to afford these basic items.

Family Reunification
Providing transportation for families in extreme poverty to visit their children and attend court hearings.

Family Committees
Organizing parents of children in detention and equipping them to advocate on behalf of their children.

Present workshops and small groups for teens and parents – “Know Your Rights”, Physical & Emotional Health, and other classes using local volunteers.

Youth Leadership
Providing spaces for formerly incarcerated youth to participate in forums to address the injustices of the system.

Special Events
Organizing special events for teens and their families such as concerts, meals, recreational activities and special holidays.
Give children a second chance.
By bringing families together and repairing communities with the help of churches and individual volunteers we can transform an unjust system.
How you can join us:
For Individuals
✔️ Volunteer.
✔️ Organize a donation drive.
✔️ Join a Vision Trip to detention centers in Mexico.
✔️ Sponsor a Child for $155 per year.
✔️ Sponsor a Family for $455 per year.
For Churches/Organizations
✔️ Invite JJAI to present at your church.
✔️ Organize a donation drive.
✔️ Engage via a small group or youth group.
✔️ Join a Vision Trip to detention centers in Mexico.
✔️ Invite your members to sponsor a child or a family.
✔️ Sponsor a Detention Center, 60-200 children, $10,000 per year.