Pass Minnesota juvenile justice sentencing reform act

Pass Minnesota juvenile justice sentencing reform act

Juvenile Justice Advocates International urgently calls on the Minnesota State Legislature to adopt the Minnesota Juvenile Sentencing Reform Act (HF 1300/SF 1325) and for the Governor to sign the bill to end juvenile life without the possibility of parole in the...
Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

MOBILIZE AND EMPOWER: 445 JJAI seeks to minimize the deprivation of children’s liberty, protect their rights and promote positive youth development through policy advocacy, technical assistance and training, community engagement and family mobilization. We currently...
Newsletter March 2023

Newsletter March 2023

Re-Entry Services in Mexico City February 21st, JJAI presented the Reentry Project in Mexico City. Our Reentry Services model has successfully helped over 100 children and their families receive post-detention supportsuch as food, education and psychological support...
Newsletter January 2023

Newsletter January 2023

A BUS TICKET TO HOPE For these children a busticket is freedom. Lalo is a 17-year-old boy who likes to talk about soccer with his grandfather and helps his grandmother bring home groceries from the market. Lalo was involved in a situation with the authorities, which...
Forgotten children at christmas time

Forgotten children at christmas time

In Mexico, and many other Latin American countries, there are many things to look forward to during the end-of-year Holidays. There is a celebration for the Virgen de Guadalupe, there are the Posadas, Christmas, New Year’s and in the beginning of January we celebrate...