As a result of our crowdfunding campaign “No estxs solx” (You Are Not Alone), 12 adolescents from Mexico City received an in-kind donation of personal hygiene items, which consisted of sanitary pads, panty liners, tampons, and heat patches to minimize menstrual pain and dignify their intimate care needs. They items delivered were:

  • 997 sanitary pads
  • 132 panty liners
  • 24 tampons

The population of CEIPA, CEMA, CEMEPA, and CEP detention centers in Mexico City also benefited from in-kind donations.

We delivered:

  • 36 packages, each containing two tubes of toothpaste
  • 12 packages, each containing six soaps
  • 12 deodorants
  • 1 bottle of multi-purpose cleaner
  • 48 packages, each containing two toothbrushes
  • 24 boxes, each containing 48 sachets of shampoo
  • 4 bottles of 1 liter of hand soap.

Thanks to the donations we receive, the youths at each center have access to these cleaning products that help improve their quality of life.