There are 1.4 million children in prison right now around the world with devastating effects on their lives
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“The first time I entered a juvenile prison in Latin America, I was shocked how many of the kids were waiting months and months to see a judge. Most have no hope of being released for years. When they are finally released, they go back to their communities with no support system. Lagging behind in school with no work skills, they have few options. Locking up kids for petty offenses actually makes crime worse in the long run as lives are needlessly thrown away… “
In 2013, Douglas Keillor is a human rights attorney. In 2012, Douglas moved to Mexico City as a Fulbright-Garcia Robles Fellow to research juvenile detention. In 2013, he founded Juvenile Justice Advocates International.
Latest News
2019 Outstanding Advocate for Children in Prison – Head Consul of Mexico Gerardo Guerrero
Gerardo Guerrero, Head Consul of the Consulate of Mexico in Saint Paul, Minnesota, was awarded the 2019 Outstanding Advocate for Children In Prison Award on December 6th in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Juvenile Justice Advocates International (JJAI) gives out the award annually to recognize individuals who have done outstanding work to make our vision a reality – […]
Pilotaje de JJI tiene un impacto positivo en adolescentes en conflicto con la ley
Justicia Juvenil Internacional mostró los resultados del pilotaje titulado: “Supervisión de medidas en libertad para adolescentes en conflicto con la ley”, en el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Chihuahua. En el evento se explicó que la herramienta fue realizada a 52 adolescentes de diferentes regiones de Chihuahua que contaban con medidas de sanción no privativas […]
JJAI visits Bolivia to talk about Mexico’s Juvenile Justice Reforms
[:en] By Sarahi Garcia Martinez “I must clarify, this has been the experience in Mexico” I kept repeating such statement during my intervention at the International Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles in Conflict with the Law in La Paz, Bolivia. Our current statutes on juvenile justice can be seen as progressive and inline with […]
From the Library
Children in Pretrial Detention
This is the first international report, surveying 118 countries, dedicated to understanding how long children spend in pretrial detention.
Reducing Length of Child Pretrial Detention
Watch our live webinar from May 20th, 2019 on starting a global movement to reduce the time children spend in pretrial detention.